

The focus of PATOF is on making the data of the A4 experiment (and in future those of ALPS II, PRIMA, P2, and LUXE) publicly available and usable. In addition, a “cookbook” will be provided that captures the methodology for making individual experiment-specific metadata schemas FAIR, and a “FAIR Metadata Factory” will be described, i.e. a process to create a naturally evolved metadata schema.

The main goal of PATOF is to make the data of a number of participating experiments fully publicly available and FAIR as far as possible. The work is building on first experience gained at the Mainz A4 nucleon structure experiment (1999-2012).

Here, the analysis, reorganisation, preparation and subsequent publication of the A4 data and A4 analysis environment according to FAIR principles shall be achieved. The lessons learned at A4 are then to be applied to other experiments at DESY (ALPS II, LUXE) and Mainz (PRIMA, P2), collectively called APPLe experiments. In the process, a general and living cookbook – or at least a first collection of recipes – on how to create metadata for PUNCH experiments and how to make their data FAIR is also aimed for.

The cookbook will capture the methodology for making individual experiment-specific metadata schemas FAIR. Another output is the “FAIR metadata factory”, i.e. a process to create a naturally evolved metadata schema for different experiments by extending the DataCite schema without discarding the original metadata concepts.

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All material
  • Ding-Ze Hu; Conference poster ”PATOF – From the PAst TO the Future: Legacy Data in Small and Medium-Scale “PUNCH” Experiments – a Blueprint for PUNCH and Other Disciplines”, CoRDI (1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure), 12.-14.09.2023; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8319471 URL: 71.

  • Ding-Ze Hu; Conference poster ”PATOF – From the PAst TO the Future: Legacy Data in Small and Medium-Scale “PUNCH” Experiments – a Blueprint for PUNCH and Other Disciplines”, HMC Conference, 10.-12.10.2023; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10496116 URL:

  • S. Karstensen et al.; Conference poster and proceedings “Creating of HDF5 Files as Data Source for Analyses Using the Example of ALPS IIc and the DOOCS Control System”, The 19th Biennial International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, 09.-13.10.2023; doi:10.18429/JACoWICALEPCS2023-THPDP101.

  • Gerrit Günther; Conference talk ”Towards Intelligible Metadata”, FAIRmat User Meeting, Berlin, 07.06.2023;

  • Gerrit Günther; Conference talk “Use Cases” in HMC Conference 2022, Berlin, 05.-06.10.2022; ent/1709546.

  • Gerrit Günther; Conference talk ”IR of FAIR - Principles at the Instrument Level”, HELIPORT Workshop, Dresden, 12.-14.06.2023; /timetable.

  • Gerrit Günther; Conference talk ”IR of FAIR - Principles at the Instrument Level”, HELPMI Workshop, GSI, 13.-14.11.2023.

  • Gerrit Günther; Conference talk “The A4 Experiment – from Data to Data Publication”, Annual MT Meeting, 26.-27.09.2022; 2/contributions/129972.

  • Gerrit Günther; Conference talk “IR of FAIR – Principles at the Instrument Level”, The 19th Biennial International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, 09.-13.10.2023; doi:10.18429/JACoWICALEPCS2023-WE3BCO0.9