FAIR Implementation Network

Within the FAIR Implementation Network (F-IMP) we develop and describe common implementation procedures for general research data management practices. These procedures fall into several fields, whihc are discussed in the respective working groups listed below.

This group will recommend stable PID systems for implementation in data infrastructures. It will review metadata sets used by PID systems, evaluate conflicts and prioritize PIDs for early or later …

A number of datainfrastructures (DIS) such as data repositories or DM platforms offer application programming interfaces (API) to programatically interact with the content of the infrastructures. T…

Clearly representing, digitising, and coordinating knowledge is key to implementing distributed digital infrastructures. Tightly coordinated semantic resources will allow human and machine agents t…

The group oversees data type creation and registration for Helmholtz data infrastructures and will maintain lists of officially agreed data types (according to the data type registry at typeregistr…

This group discusses the practical implementation of provenance into data infrastructures.

This group deals with the creration of FDOs and the respective kernel information profile. They also discuss how the FDO concept can be implemented within data infrastructures.